Friday, April 25, 2008

More cross-posting

Links to free online Journals with capsule descriptions:

Journal of World Systems research: A refereed journal of World-Systems Analysis published under the auspices of the Institute for Research on World Systems (UC Riverside)

"Cosmos and History is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of natural and social philosophy. It serves those who see philosophy's vocation in questioning and challenging prevailing assumptions about ourselves and our place in the world, developing new ways of thinking about physical existence, life, humanity and society, so helping to create the future insofar as thought affects the issue. Philosophy so conceived is not exclusively identified with the work of professional philosophers, and the journal welcomes contributions from philosophically oriented thinkers from all disciplines."

NOTE: C+H is inspired by the work of contemporary philosopher Alain Badiou

A huge database of open-access journals by the makers of Open Journal Systems software.

Mental/Mental Online/Lacanian Praxis

A titularly mercurial journal of contemporary Lacanian thought.

List of mathematics e-journals, some of which are free.

Radical Philosophy - Socialist and Feminist philosophy.

the famous NLR. Current issues are free, back issues subscription only.

Journal of Caribbean Archaeology

The Journal of Caribbean Archaeology is intended to provide a refereed publication outlet for archaeological research in the Caribbean and surrounding area. The development of our understanding of both the historic and prehistoric past in the Caribbean has been hampered by the lack of a journal devoted expressly to archaeology in the region, and archaeologists have resorted to publishing in a variety of venues. Many of these are not widely or readily available or are typically associated with another discipline. There is no journal devoted specifically to Caribbean archaeology, and it is this void that the Journal of Caribbean Archaeology seeks to fill.

Stanford Journal of Archaeology

title is self-explanatory. Current issue free, back issues cost.

thefreelibrary's list of history journals. They have other stuff too.

Project MUSE's list of philosophy journals. Many are free.

note: Some are these are of remarkably poor quality - undergrad journals and such. Caveat emptor.

not actually a journal, but really cool. A collection of useful resources in the history of analytic philosophy. Good primary source material.

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