Timecube theory predicts that
Cubic Nature is Omnific,
Infinite, Ineffable and
on Harmonic duty today. Singularity has no God
within "The Universe of
Opposite Corner Life" -
opposite hemispheres
and opposite sexes - by
which all Earth life exist.
For as long as you dumbass,
educated stupid and evil
bastards IGNORE Cubic
Creation, your sons and
daughters deserve to die
and be maimed in foreign
lands - while killing innocent
women and children. Keep
ignoring me you evil asses
and observe the slaughter of
your children protecting the
oil barons ripping off their
families back home.
Whereas Armenian Relativity theory postulates:
All physical laws have the same mathematical(tensor) form in all inertial systems.
There exists a boundary velocity, denoted as
, between micro and macro worlds, which is the same in all inertial systems.
The simplest transformation equations of the moving particle between two inertial systems
we have only when relative velocity, measured in two inertial systems, satisfy the relation
These first two postulates are almost the same as the Special Relativity Theory postulates, but the third postulate is quite new and necessary for receiving the simplest transformation equations without ambiguity problems in orientation of the inertial systems axes.
All authors that I know, derive the Lorentz transformation equations using two Cartesian coordinates or as a general way using four Cartesian coordinates
. Nobody (that I know of) uses vector notations to derive general transformation equations for relativity. Many authors artificially construct general Lorentz transformation equations in vector form using special Lorentz transformation equations and therefore those generalized results cannot be correct. The laws of logic tell us, that we need to go from the general case to the special case. That's why we derive our New transformation equations using the most general considerations and adapting vector notation. The great merit of the vectors in the theoretical and applied problems is that equations describing physical phenomena can be formulated without reference to any particular coordinate system, without worry that coordinate systems axes are parallel to each other or not. However, in actually carrying out the calculations we need to find a suitable coordinate system (our third postulate) where equations can have the simplest form. Therefore to receive the correct transformation we need to use only vector notations and focus on it entirely. Using this new promising approach and one additional postulate we derive truly correct transformation equations in the most general and simplest form.
The other question can arise - why are we calling our newly received transformation equations the Armenian Transformation Equations? The answer is very simple. This research was done for more than 20 years in Armenia by an Armenian and the manuscripts were written in Armenian. This research is purely from the mind of an Armenian and from the Holy land of Armenia, therefore we can rightfully call these newly derived transformation equations the Armenian Transformation Equations and the theory the Armenian Relativity Theory or ART.
I call on all of the world's most brilliant physicists to emerge from their mother's basement and stop chewing on their first and only girlfriend's rotting dismembered ears for long enough to devise a means to determine which of these two coherent, consistent and eminently plausible theories is correct.
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