In honor of the mighty rabbit Henry, king Pimp of the South Side of Chicago - an open thread. Please avail yourself to the comments section to post the toughest pictures of rabbits you can find. Bad-ass bunnies only, plz.
I should also note that Henry is even surlier than usual because I spent the day on a cleaning spree -- essentially, fucking with his shit. I found and destroyed all of his nests AND changed his litter. Essentially, war has been declared. He's been hopping around and thumping angrily and attempting to destroy things that smell like me.
I don't know how to post a picture, but here is the OG himself:
I should also note that Henry is even surlier than usual because I spent the day on a cleaning spree -- essentially, fucking with his shit. I found and destroyed all of his nests AND changed his litter. Essentially, war has been declared. He's been hopping around and thumping angrily and attempting to destroy things that smell like me.
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