Sunday, May 11, 2008

For the Hamsters

"In 1764 there was a great cheese riot in Nottingham, the populace being of the opinion that the country folk were endeavouring to charge too much for their cheese and so they proceeded to destroy as many of the cheeses brought into the market for sale as they could, a proceeding which seems to me to savour of the conduct of the Wise Men of Gotham. As these cheeses were made wheel shape it was found a delightful occupation to bowl them down hills leading out of the Market Place and Peck Lane and Wheeler Gate were found to be very suitable gradients for this purpose. Mr. Mayor, as in duty bound, endeavoured to interfere and stop the riot and unfortunately, somehow or other he got in the way of one of these cheeses which was bowling along Wheeler Gate at a good pace with a result that he and all his civic dignity was bowled over and brought into the terrible mud which graced Wheeler Gate right through the 18th century."

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